One on One Training - Sessions at home.
Make it count, be present in every training session.
One one one training sessions are the perfect opportunity for dogs owners to actually participate in every step of the learning process for the dog. Not only the dog learns, but the owners learn how to guide the dog as well, every step of the way.
How it works?
One on one sessions are made for families that are truly invested in learning how to train their own dogs. Every session includes practice of exercises, clarification of concepts, understanding the dogs capabilities and struggles, and suggestions on how to make the training part of their real life routine.
Most dogs struggle after a board and train period simply because their owners are not yet knowledgeable enough on the training practices themselves. Being able to carry on the training into our real lives is the key to success with any dog, so this program is truly tailored to families that want to learn along with their dogs.

“All dogs deserve owners that know what to do with them because everything is training, and all it takes is the knowledge to apply it in our everyday lives.”
— Raquel
How long are the sessions?
Each session can go up to one hour and thirty minutes maximum. The goal is to understand where the dog is in terms of education and work from there. The sessions are broken down into specific exercises to make sure the dog, and the owners have time to take it all in, and have enough to practice until the next encounter.
How much does it cost per session?
Each session costs U$200 and the package that includes 4 sessions costs U$720. I highly recommend the package since there's only much that can be accomplished in just one session.
What if I have two or more dogs?
I always recommend training one dog at a time so if there are multiple dogs in the home, make sure you have crates for every one of them, so I can work with each individual without distractions. Every dog is different and even though they might live together, each have their own learning curves. It's crucial to spend time with every dog individually to make sure we create a plan for proper training.
Does the cost go up if there are multiple dogs in the home?
The cost is charged per session, regardless of the amount of dogs the family has, however keep in mind that the time spent with them will be the same (1 hour and a half per session) so I highly recommend the package for those cases, so I can have enough time to work with all of them.
What training tools are used in the sessions?
I work all dogs with 3 major tools: Crate, Prong Collar and E-Collar. I recommend the owners to get the tools prior to the sessions, that way they can continue to work with the dog while I'm away. These tools are not temporary and should be a part of the dogs daily life. I will properly instruct the owners on how and when to use each tool with the dog on their daily routines.
How many sessions are required to get a fully trained dog?
The success of the training relies on the ability of the owners to keep it up for life. There is no ending to the training itself, just the transition from practice to a lifestyle. Everything the dog learns throughout the training has to be used daily to make sure it's established as a habit, so it requires discipline from the humans behind that dog to make it successful for life.