Why crate training is so important?

I’ve been in the business of dog training for almost 15 years as a balanced trainer (which means I use rewards and punishment to train) and the biggest roadblock for clients has always been the crate. Why? Let’s dive in!

The crate is supposed to be the dog’s safest place. A place for the dog to sleep, relax and be calm when he or she cannot be properly supervised. Using a crate on a daily basis will prevent a number of issues from the start and should be the first acquired tool for all dog owners planning on having a dog. It sounds pretty simple and straight forward right? So why is it a roadblock for owners? Why so many people struggle with the use of the crate? The answer lies in the perception and projection that the crate is somehow limiting the dog’s freedom and therefore is bad for the animal. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

A dog that is used to its crate will sleep soundly and calmly without any interruptions. 

A dog that is used to its crate will be safe in that spot never getting into bad habits such as chewing, using the bathroom in the house, destroying things, barking at the door, resource guarding items, getting into fights or potentially running out the door, among other things. With that said it’s important to mention that any dog that uses a crate on a daily basis also has plenty of activities and time out of the crate. It’s the owner’s responsibilities to create and maintain a balanced routine for a dog that includes daily walks, daily practices of known commands throughout daily activities and a reasonable amount of social exposure. If the daily routine is well kept the dog will have no problem resting and sleeping in the crate when the time comes. 

When people say the crate is a bad thing they simply don’t understand or don’t want to acknowledge the clear benefits it brings to the dog’s well being. Please notice that the proper use of a crate requires a certain amount of personal responsibility by the humans involved. All of us that crate our dogs are much more involved in their daily activities than any other owner because we understand that the dog needs us for everything therefore we are responsible for all aspects of their lives. We accept that responsibility and we dedicate time and effort to make it happen every day. 

To sum it all up, the crate is a wonderful tool and the best option we have for safety and comfort for our dogs. Never let anyone convince you otherwise, instead experience it and enjoy a much safer and structured life with your dog. Remember, perception and projection are not reality. Only your own experience is. Keep on training!


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