Breaking Free from the Shackles of Low Expectations in Dog Training: A Journey to Empowerment
In modern day society we’ve been conditioned to accept very little, in every aspect of our lives. When it comes to dog training and dog behavior, we are no different. Low expectations will always set us up for failure and unfortunately our dogs will become a big part of that frustration. Because we are constantly being bombarded with information that discourages us from expecting more, we tend to get less and less but living with that, years on end, can be consuming, frustrating and deeply disappointing.

Emotions in dogs: why it became such a hot topic and what’s really behind that narrative?
It is crucial to be aware of that narrative because it is not only present in the dog training world, but also everywhere. The modern-day generation is being taught to accept just about anything that comes with an emotional justification, for their own detriment. Dogs are just a by product of that and we are here to make sure people don’t fall for that trap.

Why you should never take your dog to a dog park?
Dog parks were build to promote, among other things, the idea that dogs can have a social area “to play with other dogs”, which by definition does not match with the essence of the species. What do I mean by that? Dogs are predators and pack animals. They’re genetically designed to fit in a pack and build their lives around that group. They operate in survival and defensive mode and dealing with strange dogs in the same fenced in area is completely against their nature. That is why we see, and hear about, many dog fights inside dog parks. But why the fights happen? What are the triggers and how do we trace them back to specific causes?